Hang Up
Veronica likes to think that she's grown as a person in the last few years. Jarring life changes tend to either break or make the person, and she's fairly sure she's part of the latter group.
She's stronger than she was three years ago, for sure. Harder - which isn't as nice to accept - but also more careful. It's a necessity of growing up. She knows that, but occasionally she misses the softness in herself.
There are days when she wishes her immediate reaction to stress isn't a hurtful barb or sarcastic remark.
Today is not one of those days.
"Logan, what the fuck are you doing?"
It's obvious what he's doing. He's standing at her father's door, puppy face firmly in place and a bunch of flowers under one arm. It would be sweet if he didn't reek of expensive liquor and they weren't currently in a very deep downswing in their continual push/pull relationship.
"I want you back, Ronica!" He tries the disarming grin then. Face open and wide as a summer sky, and it's not the first time that she wonders if the Echolls acting ability hasn't bloomed most in its last son.
"It's three in the fucking morning, Logan," she realy should stop swearing. "I don't care if you bought me Morrocco and a set of pool floaties, the only thing I'm going to give you at this hour is a swift and hard boot to the ass before I slam the door and call the cops."
"Honey?" Oh, perfect. Her father, rumpled and sleepy but rapidly becoming less so, has stumbled out of his room and is looming crankily against the kitchen island. "Everything okay?"
"Hey, Mr. Mars!" Logan echoes over her shoulder before she can do anything. She rolls her eyes and waves at her dad.
"I'll handle this, dad. Just... give me a minute okay? Logan, go home." She's exhausted and she's got a test in six hours. This isn't the time or place, and while that used to be something like romantic with Logan, not so much anymore. "We'll talk tomorrow. When you're sober."
The door clicks loudly behind her. She tries not to feel relieved when he doesn't start pounding on the door, but fails.