Tether, The - Cyndi Smith
Category: Angst/Adventure Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick is gravely wounded in an assasination attempt. However, that's just the beginning of journey that will take him to the very depths of his soul and mind and beyond...
Archivist's Comments: Clever, thoughtful, and deeply entertaining. I especially enjoyed the Troia/Babs interaction. And Tim. Of course Tim. :)
This City - Andrea
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Cities have want of havens; this city has one.
Archivist's Comments: Dude is this cool! Very evocative with abso-freakin-beatiful imagery.
Time Enough - Smitty
Category: Romance Archived: 11/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A special day becomes even more so when Barbara Gordon comes to a decision.
Archivist's Comments: ::bounces up and down:: Oh! I LOVE this story! It's just so damn *sweet*!
There's Got To Be A Morning After - Vicki Napier
Category: Story/Angst Archived: 2/15/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic/Alternate Universe
Summary: Written before Nightwing #38, this is another very possible look at what might (should) have gone on after Nightwing locked down Blackgate.
Archivist's Comments: Although there isn't nearly as much necking in this one as there was in #38 (there's a first. The comic has more lip-action than the fanfic..) this has a good bit more emotional exploration and play between Dick and Babs and Dick and Bruce.
Thirteen Hours - Constance "Eilonwy" Cochran
Category: Action/Angst Archived: 2/13/00
Rating: G Continuity: The Animated Series
Summary: During the episode "Knight Time", there was a reference to Dick and Babs heading off to Romania to search for Bruce. This story deals with what might have happened during that trip and the consequences of Dick quiting his position as Robin.
Archivist's Comments: ANIMATED SERIES FIC!!!! What's more, it's *WONDERFULLY* written. Go bug the author for more. Winner of June 2000's Story Of The Month.
Through a Looking Glass Mind - Libby
Category: Adventure/Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After Nightwing ends up in a coma, Barbara starts a fantastic journey to save his life and just maybe... herself.
Archivist's Comments: !!! I can NOT say enough good things about this story. Well-written and amazing, it gives Babs a real chance to prod serious buttock.
Through the Looking Glass - Syl Francis
Category: Adventure Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A living nightmare plagues Dick Grayson.
Archivist's Comments: Yay! Dick on funky drugs! Gotta love it.. ;)
Time Will Tell - Terri Hayes
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: A response to Goodbye, Hello by Syl Francis. This is a look at what might happen during that breakfast meeting.
Archivist's Comments: Can things be salvaged? Will Babs overcome her issues? Will
Timmy get out of the WELL!? Oops. Um... Coding makes me punchy. Romance fic!
To Catch A Killer - Terri Hayes
Category: Action Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: Set immediately after Family Reactions, the Family faces a danger from without. Someone is gunning for Nightwing, but are things as they seem?
Archivist's Comments: YAY, ALFRED! This is a *really* fun story. Terri was nervous about doing a longer piece, but danged if she didn't nail it straight out of the gate. GOOD work, and we want more!
To Fly - Juliet
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 7/1/00
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: The reflections of Barbara Gordon on a random evening.
Archivist's Comments: A short, but good mood piece that gives a nice insight into our beleagured heroine. Sad, but deeply enjoyable.
To Happy Endings - Gina Ivy
Category: Angst Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS!
Summary: Richard Grayson gets a pointed reminder about just what is what.
Archivist's Comments: ::hugs Gina muchly:: Not only did you keep TASDick in character (:thumps the jerk upside the head:) but you twacked him with the clue bat! GOOD WORK!
Traditions - Lee Hughes
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Batgirl and Robin have always had a special relationship. Seems somethings can't help but get passed down to the second generation.
Archivist's Comments: Another interesting look at the idea of a evolving relationship between Tim and Cass. Whee!
Traditions Continued - Lee Hughes
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Batgirl and Robin deal with the repercussions of Traditions and deepen their new relationship.
Archivist's Comments: Heh. Lady Shiva rulz. Stephi go squish.
Trembling - C.W. Blaine
Category: Vingette Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: R Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon, also known as Batgirl, comes to a huge realization that just leaves her... trembling.
Archivist's Comments: Whoo-whee.. Now THAT is some good stuff... ::waves hand in front of face::
Twilight Games - Andrea
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: Games that people play don't always have to be bad ones. ;)
Archivist's Comments: Aww! This is just so... FUZZY!
Two Bullets - Kerithwyn ('rith) Jade
Category: Angst Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs reflects on what was and what can't be.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, Dick isn't even in this, but Babs is cool and this
fic is cool and short. Deal!
Variations - Amanda
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 7/9/03
Rating: PG Continuity: Batman Beyond/TAS
Summary:Barbara has a date.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, my crappy summary in no way imparts the absolute awesomeness of this story. This is Babs. This is also Dick. This is them, and god is it bittersweet.
A Very Tim and Cassie Christmas - Anonymous
Category: Humor Archived: 1/31/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: A Very Merry December with your hosts: Tim and Cass.
Archivist's Comments: This companion to Ghosts of Christmas Past is one EXTREMELY fun romp through the entirety of December. Be ready to giggle. A Lot. Learn the joy of the Truffle Elf. I dare you.
Visiting Hours - Gates
Category: Vingette Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: Jim Gordon receives a nighttime visitor.
Archivist's Comments: Wonderfully done followup to the Officer Down storyline. I adored this thing so much I actually went out and ASKED for it! And y'all know how lazy *I* am... Read! August 2002's Story of the Month
Voices in the Light - Amanda Sichter
Category: Angst/Vignette Archived: 1/31/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Family and friends come to visit a comatose Dick Grayson.
Archivist's Comments: This is a really quiet, sad story that *always* makes me
misty. It's nice to see what others think of Dick, even if it's by-way-of
* Waking the Dead - Winter Sonata
Category: Angst/Vignette Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: AU
Summary: Dick and Babs change their lives in a very significant way while Bruce comes to terms with a long-ago tragedy.
Archivist's Comments: Interestingly done character piece that does a good job of letting the reader get to know the whole clan.
Watcher, The - C.W. Blaine
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Robin successfully completes a mission and Barbara Gordon makes a future-altering decision.
Archivist's Comments: Possible... *very* possible.
Watching You Go - Jade Daniels
Category: Angst/Vingette Archived: 2/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS/Batman Beyond
Summary: Dick Grayson watches Barbara Gordon on her wedding day.
Archivist's Comments: ::sniffles and curls into a little ball:: THIS is why I don't watch Batman Beyond. Because it hits so darn close to home!
What's Going On? - Carmen Wayne
Category: Angst/Adventure Archived: 6/1/00
Rating: PG-13ish Continuity: Comic/TAS/Alternate Universe
Summary: Klarion (dum dum dum) The Witch Boy gets it in his head that he wants to impress Zatanna. All well and good, sure, except for one thing... Klarion's grandoise scheme spells terror for the multiverse's Barbara Gordon.
Archivist's Comments: Ooo, this is *so* a first. Multivers fic is just fun on principle. When it involves Babs, Dick, Timdeath and a very INTERESTING female Joker... well, just go read.
When I First Knew - Jim Greeno
Category: Humor/Adventure/Romance Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PGish Continuity: Comic
Summary: This story focuses on the events that caused Babs to look at Dick in a new light...as an adult, and a very sexy one at that.
Archivist's Comments: ::giggle!:: Oh, have I mentioned lately that I adore Dinah? Not that I'd ever want her sicced on me, but yowza is she fun! Not to mention the fact that this story utilizes her in the best possible way... against Babs and Dick! (Or for them... either way!) READ NOW!
When I Look At You - Andrea
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon relays what she sees when she just looks...
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* This is so cool! I have NEVER seen Babs' emotions so suiccintly put... and with such beauty...
Whipped - Arlene Pon
Category: Humor Archived: 8/1/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: The Batguys are Independent Men. Islands upon themselves. Right.
Archivist's Comments: *snort* See this? This is the guys. S'all I'm sayin.
Wonderful Life - Gentleman Jack
Category: Xmas/Vingette Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Just months after her crippling by the Joker, Barbara Gordon has an interesting encounter that changes her perspective.
Archivist's Comments: An interesting twist on a classic idea. Very cool. :)
The 'Yes Virginia' Series - Vicki Napier
Category: Series (12 stories) Archived: 1/31/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Alternate Universe
Summary: This is a series based around a 'What if Huntress and Nightwing concieved a
child during their brief fling?' The series follows the trials and tribulations of the Bat-Family and their reactions to this news.
Archivist's Comments: This is such a great series. It's got romance,
adventure, suspense... and some very nice Babs/Dick stuff. Babs is
gonna be a step-momma! #6 is the Winner of April 2001's Story of the Month.
You Can Count On Me - Sandra Miller
Category: Xmas/Romance Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara and Dick have a quiet Christmas at home.
Archivist's Comments: ::speechless:: Oh, this is just an amazing little bit of a story! Understated and elegant, a true example of what fic should be.
You Can't Lose What You Already Have - Lloyd T. Hayes
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 1/31/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: Barbara and Dick break some news to their respective fathers with some interesting, and touching, results.
Archivist's Comments: I don't think I've mentioned how much Jim Gordon rules this month. In fact, I know I haven't. He does. So there.
You Gave Me Wings - Syl Francis
Category: Angst/Vingette/Character Death Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick asks Barbara to give something to Bruce in case anything ever happens to him.
Archivist's Comments: ::whimpers quietly and digs out the tissues:: You know it's a great story if you tear up trying to tell you friends about it. Better yet, you tear your FRIENDS up too! (True story.) Winner of March 2002's Story Of The Month.
Stories A-F | Stories G-M | Title Index | Stories N-S | Stories S-T