A.j. - I Feel
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/27/00
Rating: PGish Continuity: Comic
Summary: Feelings remembered...
Archivist's Comments: My poem! My poem! My poem!
A.j. - Small Potatoes: Coming Home Interlude: In Memorium
Category: Angst/Vingette Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Spudverse (Interlude!)
Summary: Barbara Gordon says goodbye to someone very special.
Archivist's Comments: See? I *told* you all I adored this universe! I liked it so much my head made me write for it!
Aea - Peace and Quiet
Category: Vingette/Prosefic Archived: 8/10/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: At the end of a normal day, Oracle reflects on the world and her job and remembers what's important.
Archivist's Comments: :smile: As much as I'm adverse to song (and prose) fic, this one is actually kinda neat. Plus, it proves that someone actually reads Robert Frost for fun!
Amanda - Variations
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 7/9/03
Rating: PG Continuity: Batman Beyond/TAS
Summary:Barbara has a date.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, my crappy summary in no way imparts the absolute awesomeness of this story. This is Babs. This is also Dick. This is them, and god is it bittersweet.
Amy - Fathers
Category: Angst/Story Archived: 2/13/00
Rating:PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: Commishioner Gordon reflects on fathers and the special bond they share with their children in the face of Dick Grayson's shooting and subsequent recovery.
Archivist's Comments: I am really speechless. There's always been this little voice at the back of my mind questioning just WHAT would have happened if Dick were the one in the chair. I am EXTREMELY proud to have this story on the archive and recommend it HIGHLY.
Andrea - Simple Joys
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: G Continuity: A/U
Summary: Sometimes, the simplest things in life are the best.
Archivist's Comments: Aww! Attack of the warm fuzzies!
Andrea - This City
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Cities have want of havens; this city has one.
Archivist's Comments: Dude is this cool! Very evocative with abso-freakin-beatiful imagery.
Andrea - Twilight Games
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: A/U
Summary: Games that people play don't always have to be bad ones. ;)
Archivist's Comments: Aww! This is just so... FUZZY!
Andrea - When I Look At You
Category: Poetry Archived: 3/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon relays what she sees when she just looks...
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* This is so cool! I have NEVER seen Babs' emotions so suiccintly put... and with such beauty...
Anonymous - Choices
Category: Adventure/Angst Archived: 5/7/03
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara gets a message that may just change her life. But is it for the better?
Archivist's Comments: Interesting story. I don't always agree with the characterization, but the pacing and the plot kept me reading. Enjoyable read.
* Anonymous - Don't Feed the Plants
Category: Adventure/Humor Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: On all hallows eve, Barbara Gordon recounts a chilling tale of horror. Or something.
Archivist's Comments: Okay, even if I hadn't been in a high school production of "Little Shop of Horrors", I'd have giggled my head off at this one. Mr. Snuffles is the *best*!
Anonymous - Goodbye Gotham, Hello France
Category: Adventure/Humor Archived: 7/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Spies and ale and a bare-chested Bruce... oh, my!
Archivist's Comments: VIVA LA FRANCE! ::giggles until she falls over::
Anonymous - It All Works Out In The End
Category: Vingette/Humor Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A tale of Robin's rear end.
Archivist's Comments: *GIGGLE* Oh! Oh! The writing gene apparently runs true in the Smith family! A glorious debut and hysterically funny bit of fluff. Highly recommended! Winner of March 2001's Story of the Month.
Anonymous - Kindred Spirits
Category: Vingette Archived: 1/31/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: Spud has an interesting day. Luckily, there's someone out there who's more than happy to make sure things turn out right.
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* I have loved this story since the VERY first moment I read it. It's sweet and sad and cool and downright funny. Winner of April 2002's Story Of The Month.
Anonymous - The Romantic Machinations of Timmy the Elf Who Didn't Want to be a Dentist, and his Faithless Sidekick, Yukon Cassandra OR A Story in which Dick and Babs are Doomed
Category: Humor/Romance Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comics
Summary: After Babs and Dick have a fight, Tim enlists the help of Cass (Batgirl) to get them back together and SAVE CHRISTMAS!
Archivist's Comments: ::desperately waves the masses towards the story as she tries to catch her breath from laughing. Which doesn't work. Really. She's still laughing:: Winner of Second Place in 2001's BoaF Christmas Contest!
Anonymous - A Very Tim and Cassie Christmas
Category: Humor Archived: 1/31/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: A Very Merry December with your hosts: Tim and Cass.
Archivist's Comments: This companion to Ghosts of Christmas Past is one EXTREMELY fun romp through the entirety of December. Be ready to giggle. A Lot. Learn the joy of the Truffle Elf. I dare you.
Batgirl - Pictures
Category: Angst/Vignette/Romanceish Archived: 2/22/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Alternate Universe/Comic
Summary: A webmaster unwittingly opens a can of worms that's been needing it for a good long time.
Archivist's Comments: ::speechlessly lets her jaw hang in the wind:: This is a very serious story that is handled just BEAUTIFULLY. IMHO, this has needed adressing in the comic for a good, long while and I am HONORED to be hosting it here.Winner of November 2000's Story Of The Month.
Bennett, Natasha - Lost Faith
Category: Drama/Angst Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Bruce makes a boo-boo, Dick goes insane, and Tim goes out for Chinese. Despite this, all is not well in Gotham.
Archivist's Comments: Interesting story from a new author. I liked Bruce's reactions.
BK - I Wasn't Ready
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 2/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Oracle has an epiphany and comes to a decision.
Archivist's Comments: Ooo... Cool Angsty fic that isn't really... READ IT!
BK - Monopoly and Life
Category: Vignette Archived: 10/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS
Summary: As everything draws near to an end, Tim arranges a gathering to talk
about the future, to think about the past, and to play Monopoly.
Archivist's Comments: I really liked this story a lot. It addressed some serious issues that the ending of TAS kind of left hanging. A totally sweet character-story, I recommend this quite highly.
BK (II) - Paint
Category: Humor Archived: 7/1/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dinah helps Babs out of a drippy spot.
Archivist's Comments: I should be shot for that summary, shouldn't I? Oh, well. Cute fluffy story that'll make you snicker.
Blaine, C.W. - Huntress: Blood and Lust
Category: Angst/Adventure/Romance Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: R Continuity: Elseworld
Summary: Sister Helena Bertinelli travels to Gotham to track down the most unholy of creatures: a clan of vampires lead by Bruce Wayne.
Archivist's Comments: Oh, my. An interesting foray into an extremely dark world. Tragic, but compelling, this is everything an Elseworld should be.
Blaine, C.W. - I'd Do Anything For You
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 11/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon has been kidnapped by the Joker and Harley Quinn. When a rescue attempt goes wrong, will Nightwing pay the ultimate price for love? And is he doing it for the right reasons?
Archivist's Comments: ::blink:: Well, that was unexpected. A *great* fast-paced read with some *good* questions raised.
Blaine, C.W. - A Moment In Time
Category: Angst/Xmas Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Sometimes, a moment is all you get.
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* A completely interesting bit that explores Dick's feelings towards Barbara and their unique situation.
Blaine, C.W. - My Heart Goes Out To You
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara reacts to the news that Dick Grayson is getting married.
Archivist's Comments: ::blink:: Oh. A great story that goes over some stuff that's been needing it.
Blaine, C.W. - New Gotham Knights
Category: Angst/Adventure Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: R Continuity: Elseworld
Summary: Two years after the anihilation of Gotham, the remenants of the BatFamily draw together to protect the superhuman community from its worst nightmare: an insane Batman. Unfortunately, said superhero community doesn't believe it.
Archivist's Comments: Ow. Owowowow. This is a severely scary story and downright sad. HIGHLY recommended!
Blaine, C.W. - A Painful Beginning
Category: Story/Adventure Archived: 7/1/00
Rating: PG-13ish Continuity: Elseworld
Summary: The Crisis on Infinite Earths radically chnaged the DC universe and many of the core characters. Many silver-age heroes and villians died or were majorly revamped. But what happened to the ones that were just forgotten?
Archivist's Comments: Though I never actually waded through Crisis, I enjoyed this story. I enjoyed it a lot. Come visit a world where things are just a *little* bit off the norm. I was certainly glad I did.
Blaine, C.W. - Showdown in Blood Haven
Category: Action/Romance Archived: 11/1/00
Rating: R Continuity: Elseworld
Summary: Richard Grayson, Roy Harper, and Wally West are all deputies under Marshal James Gordon in the sleepy Texas town of Blood Haven. The arrival of Gordon's niece, Barbara, sparks a rivalry between deputy Grayson and rancher Vandal Savage. Can Richard compete with the worldly Savage? And why does Richard think he should be more familiar with Savage's henchman, Boston Brand, also known as the bounty hunter called Deadman?
Archivist's Comments: WHOO! An Elseworld, Dick in a cowboy hat, and Texas! What more could I ask for? Well, yeah, chaps would be fun too, but you can't have everything, right?
Blaine, C.W. - Trembling
Category: Vingette Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: R Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon, also known as Batgirl, comes to a huge realization that just leaves her... trembling.
Archivist's Comments: Whoo-whee.. Now THAT is some good stuff... ::waves hand in front of face::
Blaine, C.W. - The Watcher
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Robin successfully completes a mission and Barbara Gordon makes a future-altering decision.
Archivist's Comments: Possible... *very* possible.
Blinky The Tree Frog - In the Dark, Dark Night
Category: Adventure/Angst Archived: 8/1/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: A follow-up to Dannell Lites' story Letting Go, this story tells the tale of Azrael's death.
Archivist's Comments: Oh, is this a downright amazing story. I LOVED Letting Go, and this follows so beautifully in its path. Characters, dead on, prose, fantastic. Overall effect? Indescribable.
Brooke - The Perfect Gift
Category: Xmas Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Christmas presents are important and for Bruce Wayne, finding the pefect present for a certain young boy is the most important thing in the world.
Archivist's Comments: Aww! Totally cute! Poor Alfred! ;)
Calle, Tesub - Apokalypsis: An Unremembered Death
Category: Angst/Fixit Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara Gordon recieves a mysterious message that leads her down the path of discovery, and just possibly, healing.
Archivist's Comments: A VERY cool way to explain some emotional baggage and a great attempt to reason through the mess that was Crisis.
Chicago - All In The Family
Category: Vingette Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: A year after the events in "Coming Home", the Grayson clan gets a new addition.
Archivist's Comments: I love this story. It's pre-August, which makes both stories all the more poignant. Lovely little bit of a thing that makes me smile every time I read it.
Chicago and Smitty - August
Category: Angst/Adventure/Mystery Archived: 9/2/01
Rating: R Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: Fate has been kind to Barbara and Dick Grayson of late. But most times, paybacks can be hell...
Archivist's Comments: "Fate cannot be avoided. No fort can withstand it, and no ship can outrun it." HURTS TO READ. Winner of August 2001's Story Of The Month.
Chicago - The Clocktower Arsenal
Category: Humor/Romance Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: Roy and Cass bond over life, soap operas, and sex.
Archivist's Comments: *giggle* You know, Spudverse stuff has the ability to make me cry, think, and giggle all at the same time. This? Mostly giggle. And have I mentioned that Roy just ROCKS?
Chicago - Commuting Is Suck
Category: Humor/Romance/Life Archived: 1/31/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: During a particularly bad winter storm, the various and sundry members of the Bat-Clan deal.
Archivist's Comments: ::flaps merrily:: SNOW! WHITHOUT severe angst! And TIM! WITH BART!
Chicago - Ghosts of Christmas Past
Category: Vingette/Angst/Romanceish Archived: 12/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Spudverse
Summary: The first Wayne-Lance family Christmas reminds everyone of the tenuous place of kevlar in matters of the heart.
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* This is how Christmasfic is supposed to be done. Yet another amazing addition to the Spudfic pantheon. This puppy makes you laugh, cry, and go 'Aww'. Love it. Winner of 2001's BoaF Christmas Contest!
Chicago - Spin Cycle
Category: Humor/Romance Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: R Continuity: Patatoverse!
Summary: The Birds of Prey are at the recieving end of a cunning plot that results in some darn fun activities.
Archivist's Comments: !!!!!!! Exclusive to Birds of a Feather, we have this utterly fantastic fic from Chicago! Can we say 'bitchin'? I knew you could! READ THIS!!!!
Cim - Never Doubt The One You Love
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: NC-17 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick and Babs figure stuff out.
Archivist's Comments: Yay! Another great new author!
Cochran, Constance "Eilowy" - The Night The Lights Went Out In Gotham
Category: Adventure/Romance Archived: 2/1/01
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: TAS!
Summary: Synopsis: When a city-wide blackout throws Gotham into darkness and chaos, the bat-family find themselves taxed to the limit. For Nightwing, it is a chance to start mending some emotional bridges. Note: Sequal to Thirteen Hours.
Archivist's Comments: ::falls over dead in joy:: Oh! I *so* enjoy this series! Well written adventure with just the *right* touch of romance! And we all know I'm a sucker for that, eh? ;)
Cochran, Constance "Eilonwy" - The Summer of Her Discontent
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS
Summary: A prequal to the superb Thirteen Hours, (SOTM for June!) After Dick leaves Gotham without so much as a goodbye, Barbara Gordon copes--with the loss, with a Joker on the rampage, and with a dark knight who has decided he's better off working alone.
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* You always know it's a good fic if you wanna beat the person you're supposed to wanna beat at the end of it. *SNIFF* Winner of July 2001's Story Of The Month.
Cochran, Constance "Eilonwy" - Thirteen Hours
Category: Action/Angst Archived: 2/13/00
Rating: G Continuity: The Animated Series
Summary: During the episode "Knight Time", there was a reference to Dick and Babs heading off to Romania to search for Bruce. This story deals with what might have happened during that trip and the consequences of Dick quiting his position as Robin.
Archivist's Comments: ANIMATED SERIES FIC!!!! What's more, it's *WONDERFULLY* written. Go bug the author for more. Winner of June 2000's Story Of The Month.
Daniels, Jade - Watching You Go
Category: Angst/Vingette Archived: 2/1/01
Rating: PG Continuity: TAS/Batman Beyond
Summary: Dick Grayson watches Barbara Gordon on her wedding day.
Archivist's Comments: ::sniffles and curls into a little ball:: THIS is why I don't watch Batman Beyond. Because it hits so darn close to home!
Debbie & Rick - Strange Behavior
Category: Angst/Adventure/Suspense Archived: 7/1/02
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: A reaction to Batman #600, the entire BatFamily pulls it together to give Bruce on big, collective kick in the fanny. Also, the Bruce Wayne: Murder plotline is wrapped up into one nice, neat little ball.
Archivist's Comments: Hee! This is just insanely fun. I don't know why, but I couldn't get into the BW:M plotline as well as I got into No Man's Land, but this story made me clap with glee. And Bats? So needed that kick.
Delphinios - All I Ask of You
Category: Songfic/Vignette Archived: 4/10/03
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Barbara makes a choice.
Archivist's Comments: Songfic!
Edwards, Charlene - Governor's Ball
Category: Adventure/Humor Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Babs and Dick go to a society affair. Cue Gunmen!
Archivist's Comments: *giggle* Yay! Babs and Dick escape from gunmen! BC and Batman show up! And Robin and Batgirl! BC bitches the Bat out! WHOO!
Edwards, Charlene - Present From the Past
Category: Vingette Archived: 8/10/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After Bruce Wayne recieves a precious gift that reminds him of his skewed priorities, Babs gets some fun blackmail material.
Archivist's Comments: This is a sweet piece, and although Babs does not appear, she is mentioned in a fun way. :)
Edwards, Charlene - Snowfall
Category: Xmas/Romance Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick drops by the Clocktower for Christmas Eve.
Archivist's Comments: Deeply sweet. :)
Edwards, Charlene - The Student
Category: Humor/Romance Archived: 5/20/01
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: In an attempt to spend more time with his girl, Dick... takes a class?
Archivist's Comments: Very cute, very sweet, and entirely in character. :)
Fair, Marla F. - Red
Category: Vingette Archived: 8/10/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A companion to The Sound of One Finger Tapping, Dick Grayson reflects on his color associations.
Archivist's Comments: Again, I will say that for an only minorly converted Babs/Dick fan, Marla shows some spectacular insight on Dick. Both pieces are wonderfully textured and work marvelously in the structure set up between Nightwing #37 and #38.
Fair, Marla F. - The Sound of One Finger Tapping
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 7/7/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A Post-NW#37 fic that explores what Babs went through in the off-panel time between #37 and #38.
Archivist's Comments: ::sniff:: I *really* like this story. It's a little angsty tale that hasn't been told before, and it just makes you want to throttle the heck out of TPTB for not giving us more 'character' moments on-panel.
Falstaff - Silhouette
on a Dark Night
Category: Angst/Romance Archived: 1/26/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: In Jody Revenson's Oracle and Nightwing, there was this line that explained that Oracle had slept with Nightwing years before, back in the days when they were Batgirl and Robin. If Robin was sixteen back then, then he was a minor. And as a minor, he was still the Batman's ward...
Archivist's Comments: *sniff* What can I say about this other than it's really depressing? (Not that that's bad!) February 2001's Story of the Month
Firebird - Christmas Visitor
Category: Vingette/Xmas Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: On Christmas Eve, Barbara waits up for Nightwing and recieves a thoughtful gift.
Archivist's Comments: A cute little story that totally gets you in the Xmas spirit.
Francis, Syl - A Better Rest
Category: Vingette/Angst Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: R Continuity: Comic
Summary: Nightwing and Batman investigate the murder of a mutual friend.
Archivist's Comments: I have to say it took me a minute to remember who Scott was, but when I did... Well, let's just say this is a wonderful look at reality and how, sometimes, reality isn't a very nice place.
Francis, Syl - Bye-Bye Love
Category: Vignette/Angst Archived: 1/28/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: After Batman fires Robin, Dick Grayson decides to leave home to try to find his place in the world; however, before he leaves, he has to say good-bye to a very important person in his life.
Archivist's Comments: *sniffle* This story actually made me not hate Jason Bard. I'm not entirely convinced that's a good thing.
Francis, Syl - Down Came The Rain
Category: Angst Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: During Bruce Wayne: Murder, Nightwing and the Huntress arrive at a new understanding.
Archivist's Comments: Um... *whimper*. Kerrie! Syl made me tolerate Helena! THAT'S NOT FAIR!
Francis, Syl - For the Guy Who Has Everything
Category: Vingette Archived: 7/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic/Alternate Universe
Summary: Nightwing gives Batman a unique Father's Day gift.
Archivist's Comments: How *would* you shop for Bruce Wayne? I mean, the man has more money than Croesus *and* an unlimited line of credit. Syl makes a darn good try of it though...
Francis, Syl and Hayes, Terri and Valourawynne, Recceanna- The 'Friends' Series
Category: Angst/Adventure/Romance Archived: 6/1/00 Updated 10/1/00
Rating: PG-13ish Continuity: Comic
Summary: A series not Babs/Dick centered, but they do appear. This is an exploration of a very interesting dynamic shared between Batman and Black Canary.
Archivist's Comments: Thrillkiller without the Dickdeath! Or Babs in High Heels. Or the cheesy blonde wig. Okay, so it's nothing like Thrillkiller except Canary and Batman have a 'dynamic'. *snicker*
Francis, Syl - Goodbye, Hello
Category: Romance/Angst Archived: 1/28/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick and Donna break up with their respective significant others and are
surprised to find comfort in each other's arms. But can a relationship
that's been based on a deep friendship and a brother/sister love last?
And what of those they left behind?
Archivist's Comments: Dick and Donna give it the old college try.
Francis, Syl - My Girl
Francis, Syl - The Night Stalker
Out Comes the SunFrancis, Syl -
Francis, Syl - Payback
Francis, Syl - Sir Richard Grayson: Emerald Dawn
Francis, Syl - Sixteen
Francis, Syl - Through the Looking Glass
Francis, Syl - You Gave Me Wings
Frito - Deck
The Halls
Francis, Syl - Home for Christmas
Category: Angst/Xmas/Romance Archived: 12/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick goes home for Christmas, but doesn't make it.
Archivist's Comments: *sniff*
Category: Vignette/Homor/Romance Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: After the murder of his circus parents, Dick Grayson comes to live at Wayne Manor. Learning to live in luxury while remembering Alfred's rules of age appropriate
behavior can be confusing at times, but a *babysitter*? What's a kid who's training to become the partner of Gotham's coolest guy to do?
Archivist's Comments: *giggle* In my opinion (not that that counts for much,) this
is the sweetest, most wonderful story on the archive. It's Dick and Babs' first meeting! What ELSE can I say? May 2000's Story of The Month.
Category: Crossover/Action Archived: 3/7/00
Rating: R Continuity:A/U
Summary: In this Nightwing/Angel crossover, a psychotic killer who likes to collect souvenirs from his victims terrorizes Bludhaven.
Archivist's Comments: I love Angel. I love Nightwing. Add the two universes together and you get one great story with a happy, gratuitous Babs/Dick scene. Syl also gets bonus points for nailing Cordelia's character and mentioning Jenny Calander! (The points are deducted, however, because Jenny isn't dead. She's just in Bermuda.) Winner of October 2000's Story of the Month.
Category: Angst Archived: 4/5/02
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: During Bruce Wayne: Murder, Nightwing and the Huntress investigate a mysterious figure from Batman's past. Meanwhile, Barbara continues her relentless search for concrete evidence to help clear Bruce Wayne.
Archivist's Comments: Um... still liking Helena. This is extremely strange.
Category: Action Archived: 5/7/03
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary:Catwoman plays a dangerous game of payback with an old enemy, and Dicky Grayson is inadvertently caught in crossfire.
Archivist's Comments: *sqwauk!* Sylfic! SYLfic! It's got Catwoman, it's got Dick, it's got Babs, it's got Bruce, and it's got Alfred. I am a frelling happy archivist.
Category: Adventure/Romance Archived: 1/28/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Elsworld
Summary: When Sir Richard reaches his eighteenth birthday, he becomes the target for
evil men and brazen women seeking easy wealth. It's up to Castle Wayne's wise Seneschal, Alfred, the Duke of Pennyworth, Lady Barbara Gordon, his true love, and of course, his guardian, Bruce Lord Wayne to ensure Richard's safe passage into his majority. To make matters worse, the legendary island kingdom of Avalon is under assault by the dark forces of an age-old enemy.
Archivist's Comments: Dick and Babs go medieval! Truthfully though, Syl does the BEST Elseworlds. Winner of May 2002's Story Of The Month.
Category: Adventure & some Angst Archived: 1/29/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: Reaching his sixteenth birthday, Dick Grayson finds himself reassessing his relationships with both his friends and foes.
Archivist's Comments: Hm. Well, as usual, Syl delivers with a story that just blew
me away. It's not centered on Babs, but she does appear. What's more, she subtly takes a 2-by-4 to Dick and Bruce's male stupidity. Yay, Babs! (Also, Dick does cool stuff.)
Category: Adventure Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG Continuity: Comic
Summary: A living nightmare plagues Dick Grayson.
Archivist's Comments: Yay! Dick on funky drugs! Gotta love it.. ;)
Category: Angst/Vingette/Character Death Archived: 9/1/00
Rating: PG-13 Continuity: Comic
Summary: Dick asks Barbara to give something to Bruce in case anything ever happens to him.
Archivist's Comments: ::whimpers quietly and digs out the tissues:: You know it's a great story if you tear up trying to tell you friends about it. Better yet, you tear your FRIENDS up too! (True story.) Winner of March 2002's Story Of The Month.
Category: Vignette Archived: 1/28/00
Rating: G Continuity: Comic
Summary: A frustrating program, a frustrated Oracle, and a Blue Christmas. What
do they all have in common? A happy ending.
Archivist's Comments: Christmas fic! I love Christmas fic. It makes
me fuzzy.
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