Weapon X #11
Writer: Frank Tieri
Pencils&Cover: Georges Jeanty
The Underground: Part 5 of 6Okay, I think it's safe to say that at this point? This arc has lost all meaning. To me, mostly, but I also think it was suffering from a huge case of plot-thread diarrhea. It just goes on and on and on. And nothing important actually happens, either. So this will be short and sweet, in the efforts of not wasting our collective time.
The Director hugs Aurora, whom you may recall he beat the crap out of in the previous issue. Apparently a hug and "I'm sorry," is all you really need when you're a flipping psycho.
Jackson and his goons come back.
Agent Zero brings the director someone's head in a bowling ball bag (okay, probably NOT a bowling ball bag, but that's what it looks like).
Mesmero gets the boot.
The dying Washout returns and tries to drown the Director. He kicks it before he can actually complete the job, but he does short out the power long enough Cable and crew to sneek in.
'Course, Sabertooth figures that out.
End of issue.
Weapon X #11
Writer: Frank Tieri Pencils&Cover: Georges Jeanty The Underground: Part 6 of67This issue starts out, predictably, with Jackson and his buds turning on the program, which doesn't actually seem to surprise the Director horribly. There are fight scenes. Nate leaves everyone else to go look through some tunnels. Marrow fights Sabertooth. The Director smashes a mirror and starts hacking away at his own face with a piece of it. Cable fights Kane. More fight scenes. Kane saves them all by sacrificing himself 'nobly.' Good riddance. Jackson double crosses them all.
I may have said this before, but I absolutely hate Jackson. He turned into the absolute epitome of a plot-device. Magically, he manages to be in control of everything, while having the intelligence of a used kitchen sponge. The entire point of beginning Nate et. al into this now seems to be to use them as cheap labor to take out some of the bad guys. The whole f-ing plot was pointless, as Jackson could have gotten the same results by just staging the internal coup.
Weapon X #12
The Underground: Part 7 of
Writer: Frank Tieri
Pencils&Cover: Georges Jeanty67This entire issue? Pointless. Nothing happens. Nothing. We get Jackson before some shadowy review board (they're like the Grey Council, only without being cool) and through him we get some dumb flashbacks telling us the Director got away with Aurora (told you she was a flipping psycho). Nate and company are mind wiped and then 'freed' by Marrow. Er, we'll get back to that. Did I mention the fact that Jackson is getting around the nasty little fact that he staged a coup by claiming he was mind controlled? And that no one questions this fact? Maybe they're all of the opinion that he's a ball-less toad, too. Anyway. There is more proof that Agent Zero is Maverick and Maverick is not Maverick. (Bearing in mind that I'm writing this after the whole series has been cancelled, I have no idea if they resolved this or not. ...I don't really care, either.)
Whole point of this? Jackson's the new director. Of course he is. F-ing Mary Sue.
Back to the thing with Nate. See, they've all been mentally tampered with. Marrow tells Nate that 'Yay! Mission accomplished! The whole program is out of commission! You take a nap while I destroy the data you collected that would prove otherwise!"
Thanks for that, guys. Really. I appreciate the entire plot being invalidated.
Oh, and the big finale? Dr. Winsor is Mr. Sinister. Yeah. Because we didn't see that coming a mile away. Thanks, guys.
Conclusion? This whole thing sucked by the end. I give the whole arc a collective rating of 2.