Song Lyrics

Well, well, well. You actually ventured into a section marked 'songs'. You are a hearty soul. I commend your fortitude and question your sanity.

Anyway, as you could probably tell by the title, this subsection of the 'Stuff' page will hold song lyrics that remind me of Babs or Dick. Again, I want to remind you that the *reason* things get put in this little back-bin is that they amuse *me*.

Strangely enough, they apparently amuse other people too. I had TWO people write me with more songs! Shocked? I was. Anyway, here's a little update. If you have any songs you want to send me, go for it. Please though, if you can, send me the lyrics too.

Songs from Babs' POV

I Try
by Macy Gray

A song that lets you reflect on Babsy's feelings for Dick. It's a really pretty song that sums up Babs' fears quite nicely.

Ghost Story
by Sting

This is something a frequenter of the page sent me a long time ago. I should have run out and found the song that day... Instead I waited about eight months. I'm slow. Anyway, this is a haunting little ditty that visits a host of regrets Babsie might have if she doesn't get off her duff.

by Annie Lennox

This song gives some insight on poor Babs' emotional instability and might be something she'd say to our Dear Boy.

Songs from Dicks' POV

Everything You Want
by Vertical Horizon

This song is a *perfect* description of Babs from someone else's point of view. AND, the way it ends, this would be WONDERFUL for Richard to tell her.

For The Movies
by Buckcherry

Again, a song that made me think about what Dick could be thinking whenever he and Babs have the 'Gimme Time!' argument. Or life in general.

Let Me In
by Save Ferris

Okay, for those of you TV buffs out there, *yes* this was on Roswell. Don't let that stop you from checking out the lyrics or seeking out the CD (Modified.) Both are terminally great and *so* worth checking out. Basically, it's Dick trying to persuade Babs to... well... Let him in.

The Mountains Win Again
by Blues Traveler

Y'know, this is the best Dick Grayson song EVER. It's on the band's Four CD, so y'all probably have it buried SOMEWHERE in your music collection. Give it a listen. You won't be dissapointed.

Songs from both Dick and Babs' POV

I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You
By Marc Anthony and Tina Arena

Wow. First of this type. It's a really pretty song that Chuck G. from the Dixonverse board sent me.

Undecided but descriptive anyway...

The Search is Over
by Survivor

No, you aren't all mental. This *was* under the 'Dick POV' and then 'Babs POV', but there's been some... well, discussion on the validity from both sides. Anywhosit, I figured I'd just go with the ambiguous approach and let the readers decide for themselves. :)
